Team Engagement & Development
3-Step Comprehensive Program
Align Team
You and your team will have full access to the Cloverleaf® Platform which includes leading validated assessments, data-driven insights, and personalized dashboards that improve employee performance, and support a motivating work environment.
Assess Engagement
We use a proprietary Q15 survey utilizing the Macorva platform to assess the level of your team’s engagement in a number of critical areas. This report helps determine key priorities and provides a baseline for measuring progress.
We work with your leadership and one-on-one with your team members to help them leverage their self-knowledge, available opportunities, and their own agency. The goal is full alignment of the team throughout the organization.
Please note: All programs are customized to your unique needs
It all starts with a conversation (typically 1 hour) to discuss your unique challenges and opportunities. The call will also give you a good sense of who we are and how we might work together.
Start with a FREE Engagement Consultation
Meet your goals!
Engage your team!
Increase Profits!
Have more fun!